The Global Achievers The Global Achievers / Issue 3 | 页面 10

my own original music, what they don’t know however; is that 95% of the music I write and perform is written in 30 minutes or less…a song has only taken me more than 30 minutes once in my entire career of composing and recording music. I am also a gourmet cook, I love spending quality time with myself….alone, creating and preparing sumptuous meals. In our home, the kitchen is truly where the heart is.

5) Who is someone you admire and why?

I truly admire Lucille Ball, not only did she consistently reinvent herself and her destiny, she covered so many genres! From being a successful Max Factor Model initially, to one of the first female comedians to be taken seriously in what was then ‘a man’s world’, to producing one of the most successful and longest running television shows in the history of television; “I Love Lucy”, to becoming the first female to own her own production company “Desilu Productions” which also produced Star Trek and The Untouchables. I truly Love Lucy…simply because she was a stellar example of how important it is to always dream big!