philosophers that truly inspired my vision and expanded my consciousness.
I then published my first book, while working on my personal educational growth and studies. I recently founded The Circle of Creative Masters Institute, which is a great addition to my company Transcendence. I am also excited to have introduced a new concept of a vision/action/dream board. I am also passionate about my Spiritual Development Coaching/Training program: The Athena Coaching™.
Along with Dr. Bob and the support of Mind Hack Academy, we co-founded The Laughter Experience and the M.E.T.A Shift group coaching program as well. I have a lot of respect, admiration and honer to the teachings and growth I gained working with Dr. Bob during my full career transiting he was and continues to be a big inspiration and a positive influence in my life and the many others he assisted in similar and different ways.
Also I am grateful to the many great mentors I had been in close connection and friendship with. This includes areas such as health and wellness to inspirational, motivational and educational as they are all part of what contributed to my success today.
6. What’s a typical day like for you?
A typical day for me will start with drinking room temperature water along with my citrus therapeutic essential oils. I have been doing the 16/8 intermittent fasting for over 5 years and