The Global Achievers Issue 7/2020 | Page 50

Life hurts, we all know it and go through it. Please give yourself space to be distracted, to cry anytime you feel like it and to feel the anger. Give yourself permission to feel guilty, mad or even blameful over your pain. Allow ample time to process and plan for how your life will be different moving forward. Use writing to give your emotions a voice and as an outlet for your screams. Regardless of how you grieve, the point is YOU MUST. Do not pretend it doesn’t hurt, or pretend it didn’t happen or negate the validity of it because that only festers inside like an infection and will eventually spread and erupt in all areas of your life and well-being.

You can and will survive through loss, pain, or even shame and guilt. To survive my past, I learned to find the silver lining in every situation so I could focus on the positive instead of dwell on the negative. I learned to give a hand and use my life experiences to help ease suffering of others. Even though I am grieving Eliana being gone from this physical world, I smile with pride in knowing our hummingbird is flying high above the clouds with angel wings as she continues to sprinkle blessing on others with her life. Find your drive to be better, to overcome the adversity, to rise above the shame. Find the person you were intended to be and let a loss of a loved one be your driving force to be better because of them! I pray every time you see a hummingbird you think of Eliana and remember to be kind to others and fight for yourself as hard as she fought to live. I pray you find comfort in her story and learn to use your pain as fuel to become a better