The Global Achievers Issue 7/2020 | Page 48

on my profile to show their support for her. Her health started declining and after counseling with Hospice, her parents made the decision to withdraw her medicines and let her go. Sadly, on January 11, 2020, we said goodbye to our sweet girl as she transitioned into Heaven while taking her last breath in my daughters' arms. Eliana had the very best parents any child could hope for and they loved her unconditionally. This was by far the hardest thing I have had to face to date. I felt pain and grieved for my daughter and her loss, and felt my own pain from losing her as her grandma (Mimzy)!

There are no words, no meme’s, no counseling sessions or condolences that could take the pain of grief away from my heart, but I learned through my past adversity in life that we MUST grieve and heal from pain or it will destroy us eventually. As I was writing my book, I discovered writing was therapeutic and unleashed secrets to myself around painful issues I had never dealt with. Writing tapped inside my soul and exposed grief I had never gone through. Secrets from my past I had never shared started to emerge, abortion issues I never confronted surfaced, and the loss of my own identity during my domestic abuse hostage situation came to light. Grief in itself will kill our spirit, numb our tongues and harden our hearts. I feel it is imperative we work through the heartache, confront the demon of pain, and allow our anger to be released in a constructive way. For example, I had multiple abortions during my cocaine addiction and took a “hit” of cocaine going into the procedure and was picked up outside the clinic and took another hit immediately after. I never