the open ocean with a pristine cruise liner navigating the surf. There is a captain behind the helm, who from time to time looks at the map, checking the direction with a compass and peering into the distance. Have you imagined it? What kind of person are they? What determines their success? What qualities do they possess? What are the results of their activities?
As a rule, a captain is the person who is directly responsible for the overall safety of the cruise liner, the one who makes decisions and is answerable for the consequences. This person knows where the cruise liner is heading, and their main task is to get from point A to point B, according to a schedule and without excuses. A captain is always attentive, purposeful, reliable, active, disciplined, responsible, courageous, ready to cope with any situation and, as a rule, truly loves their role on a cruise liner. Other personal traits may differ, given that captains differ.
Now, replace the word “captain” with the word “I” and the word “cruise liner” with the words “my life” and let’s see how it will sound...
I am responsible for the safety of my life. I make decisions and I am answerable for the
consequences. I know where I am going in my life, and my main task is to achieve my goals on time and in the most effective way. I am attentive, purposeful, reliable, active, disciplined,
responsible, courageous, ready to cope with any situation and truly in love with life.
In fact, the similarities between managing our own life and the qualities of a captain are even greater. Much like reefs, storms,