Be The “Captain”
Of Your Life
Recent events, directly attributable to the corona virus pandemic, have had a serious impact on our faith and how we view world stability. It feels as though we are in the open sea, where the elements are unpredictable and uncontrollable, which naturally generates different reactions by different people. People seem to be divided into several categories — some have gone into complete denial, some have embraced conspiracy theories, some anticipate a miraculous mass vaccination, and those with high anxiety levels have dived into complete isolation.
Measuring each category is impossible given each has a downside. Denial may result in ignoring the necessary protective measures, as if a person is swimming to the shore without a life jacket.
The exploration of conspiracy theories, as well as the expectation of a mass vaccination, initiates a passive “passenger” role whereby a person completely surrenders to the power of a third force.
Complete isolation increases stress levels and leaves a person face to face with their own fears ...
Is there an alternative? For sure, one always exists ... — to put on a captain’s cap and lead the “ship of our life” through the newly discovered circumstances.
Let's turn on our creativity for a moment and imagine