maximize hygiene.
Movie theaters, opera houses, bowling alleys, and national parks will see a spike in visitors and reservations.
Our world will engage each other with renewed compassion. People will smile and hug each other tightly and genuinely feel loved.” Julie Dominquez
Another one of my “Buddies,” Julie Dominquez, wrote a beautiful answer. At the end of her thoughts, the word that she shares and I believe will unite us all is love.
At the beginning of this year, declared 2020 to be the year of love. You may want to ask me, “Tamara, you believe that love will bring back our jobs, will bring back a strong economy, will bring back life to where it was?” I will tell you, “No, I do not, I believe it can be much better.”
Love as the foundation to rebuild our global societies will make it possible. I will go as far as to say without it as the foundation we will be doing exactly what George Santayana said could happen, we will keep repeating the past.
Science has proven that vibrations can create outcomes. 528 Hz is considered to be the “love frequency.” In raising the vibration throughout the world, we will continue to see what one of the by-products of the worldwide stay-at-home orders has produced, our environment is thriving.
I do not come from a science background, I come from a business background. I am a mother, grandmother, cancer survivor and the creator of a nonprofit founded to change the way cancer is done throughout the world. On August 30, 2019, I became the “First Global Next Impactor.”
How did I, Tamara L. Hunter, win a global competition? It is a simple answer, I do not give up!
These questions are based on self-exploration and the answers should reveal what are our excuses, strengths and weaknesses. Why is this so important? If these matters are not clear to us, than we risk repeating the same mistakes, living through the same life scenarios and receiving the same outcome. Personal growth may be hindered, and we will continue to experience the same “groundhog day” without exploring new horizons and the new reality around us. There is a wonderful parable about a young man who came to a wiseman and asked for advice on life. Without a spoken word, the wiseman filled four pots with water. He placed a carrot in the first pot, a stone in the second pot, an egg in the third and coffee beans in the fourth. Then he put these four pots on top of a fire, and boiled them for fifteen minutes. — Tell me, what do you see? — the wisemen asked. — A boiled carrot, stone, egg and coffee? — replied the youngster.
— Look carefully, — said the wiseman. — The carrot softened and became weak, the stone didn’t change at all, the egg hardened after boiling, and the coffee beans infused a new taste and aroma into the water. These are four narratives of life. If we look at our lives through the context of this parable, water symbolizes life, fire embodies change, and the four elements represent us. The first pot with the carrot demonstrates how change can weaken us. The second pot with the stone discloses that in spite of news-eventssituations we do not change and remain as we are. The third pot with the egg endorses getting stronger, getting more grit and becoming tough. The fourth pot with the coffee beans illustrates our ability to adjust to circumstances, and transforming into something beautiful and unique.