The Global Achievers Issue 4/2020 | Page 14

excuses too. That's how my journey started.

And so, through that new lens that I was taking, in the first year, I made 107,000 as a life coach. In the second year, I made 395,000 as a life coach. My videos started going viral, my brand started growing, and then all these other coaches started coming to me saying, "Rich, how did you do it? How are you doing this? How are you getting leads? How do you get engagement?

How are you doing content? How did you establish yourself as the authority? How are you doing all of this? How are you getting paying clients when it's so hard?" Which life coaching is the hardest niche.

And then that's when I developed the niche of helping other coaches, because, you know what? Holy shit, you're right. I never thought about how I was doing it until people asked me, and then I started helping coaches. That's how I started helping coaches. Now, making over $100,000 a month in my business. And all of this is generated online. I want to remind you guys of something. I started with no coaching skills. I was an introverted optometrist. I'm still an introvert. If you ever have lunch or dinner with me, you'll see me not the loud one. I'm usually the quieter one that's just listening. I had no speaking skills, no sales skills, no marketing skills. I didn't even have a Facebook account when I was an