The Global Achievers Issue 4/2020 | Page 13

"I knew that if I made an excuse, then I would allow other people to make excuses too..

I didn't have the funds. "I can't start coaching. We have a one-year old child. I can't stop coaching. I've never coached before." I had those stories creeping in my mind, and I could have bought into them. But I had to say yes to myself. I had to say, "You know what? When would be the best time to start? Wait another five years?" And so, I stopped playing the victim to my own excuses, and I said, "I don't care if I have a laundry. I'm going to coach." And so, I would coach in my laundry.

I didn't tell my clients at the time, but I knew inside of me that one day this story will come out, because this is the reason why I can't have something, but it's also the reason why I can and inspire everyone else, everyone on this call right now to do the same. I knew that this story would be thing that helps other people live their dreams as well. I knew that if I made an excuse, then I would allow other people to make