Salvation through Born Again
76 After him, God elected David
and promised eighteen kings in
his family, then divided the
kingdom of Israel into two parts,
77 gave the southern kingdom
nineteen kings and a woman
made herself queen over the
nation and ruled it. God gave ei-
ghteen kings to the northern Isr-
ael kingdom. But many kings of
the northern kingdom violated
the Law of God, made Him ang-
er by idolatry,
78 but the living God who is
without favoritism, gave them up
to the severe punishment, and to
captivity and set them right. The-
se are the idolatrous reprobate
kings of the northern Israel. He
is Jeroboam. He was the first ki-
ng of Israel and put a foundation
to idolatry. He did to secure his
vile power of the kingdom and
gone under the judgment of God
and was thrown into the lowest
depths of the Pit of Sheol.
79 The second one is Nadab.
He also did evil in the sight of
the living God, sinned more than
his ancestor sin, and caused an-
ger to God.
80 He built altars on every lofted
mountain, and under every tree,
The Salvation is the Gift of God
erected altars, placed gentile
groves, allowed sodomites in the
country, committed every abom-
ination which God abhors, and
caused anger to God,
81 the living God angered upon
him, gave him over to captivity
of death, and threw him into the
lowest depths of the pit of Sheol.
82 Likewise Baasha also did the
same, God angered upon him,
and gave him up to hell and gave
up the dead bodies of his family
to dogs and birds.
83 Elah not having concern for
people, became a drunkard and
given up to captivity of death and
was thrown into the hell. And
others like Zimri, Omri and Ahab
were turned a puppet in the han-
ds of their wives and they both
were given up to the hell.
84 Ahaziah, Jehoram turned
against God and His prophets,
and His Word, and were added
to the hell. Jehu walked upright
in the sight of God and was ta-
ken up to Paradise, but his sons
became wicked. Jehoahaz, Jeh-
oash, Jeroboam, Zechariah we-
re among them. The kings of
Israel Shallum, Menahem and
Shekahiah were very wicked.
Salvation through Born Again
85 They have instilled people
who do not know God among
the people of the living God. So
God’s wrath was upon them and
they along with their wives and
children thrown into the hell to be
tormented in the lake of fire and
86 II But O Presidents, O Prime
Ministers, many kings of Judah
feared the living God did every-
thing according to the statues of
heaven, fell asleep, and entered
into Paradise. They are -
87 Rehaboam. Although he opp-
osed God’s will, had gone thr-
ough many hardships and entered
into heaven. His successors Abi-
jah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Amaziah,
Azariah, Ahaz, Hezekiah. Heze-
kiah’s son Manasseh acted like
the wicked gentile kings who do
not know God, and set up idol-
atry among God’s people. And
God, the consuming fire, set him
right through chastisement.
88 He authenticated the Israel
God as the only living God, stre-
ngthened by God, fell asleep and
escaped the sore hell.
89 Joshia, a king of Judah was
useful for the revival among
God’s people. He did God’s wo-
The Salvation is the Gift of God
rks with fervent spirit. Yet he was
tempted by wicked Satan, died
against to God’s will and was
taken to be with God.
90 These are the wicked kings
in Judah. they are - Jehoram,
Ahaziah, Queen Athaliah, Am-
on, Jehoahaz, Jehoakim, Jeho-
akin, Zedekiah were so wicked
and despised God’s word of he-
avenly statue, and the His pro-
phets, came under the wrath of
God and were thrown into the
91 So, O Presidents, and O Pri-
me Ministers, so it is loving
God’s plan of love to send His
Son into this world, and deliv-
ered Him to death, and raised
Him from the dead,
92 as told in the books of pro-
phets and the law of Moses,
and to save those who are Born
Again - the gentiles who are in
the will of God, and the Israelites
who believed in His Son from
death and the terrible eternal hell
which is the lake of the fire and
93 So, O Presidents, O Prime
Ministers, do you also want to
go to the terrible hell like those
wicked kings of Israel and other