Salvation through Born Again
ding to God’s will, though he
heard of the living God but did
not accept Him as his personal
savior, lived seeking the praises
of men
55 and thus God gave him up to
the captive of death, thrown into
the eternal lake of fire and brimst-
one. After him one among those
who shared his kingdom
56 became the emperor of the
Roman kingdom as per the plan
of God, exalted himself above
God and boasted himself as
57 and persecuted those who
believed in the Lord Christ Jesus,
God gave him up to the death
and cast their spirit into the fire
and brimstone.
58 II O Presidents and Prime
Ministers, many kings, great
kings, and emperors left their
foolish lives, knew the truth of
the living God and entered into
Paradise. Among them is –
59 Abraham who earlier used to
sell idols and worshipped them
as gods, but when God revealed
Himself to him, he realized the
only true God.
60 Among the kings in his gener-
ation - Amraphel, Arioch, Ched-
The Salvation is the Gift of God
orlaomer, Tidal, Bera, Birsha,
Shinab, Shemeber, Bela and
defeated them all by knowing
living God, called by God as
Father of faith. He was a great
king of honor.
61 Not only that and king
Abimelech believed in the living
God. God dealt well with Pha-
raoh but as they opposed Him
God cast them out as the dirt in
the streets, caused they gre-at
62 preserve it, making it an exa-
mple to the coming judgment of
God upon the world, whichever
the country opposing God.
63-72 Likewise, when Assyria
exalted above God, He threw
the kings and the nation to the
depths of the pit of Sheol. Aft-
erwards He used the Babyl-
onian kings and Medo and
Persian kings as His witnesses.
Then He bound the kings of
Greek and Rome and put them
in ward for the eternal judgm-
ent. He put down the Roman
kingdom and decided to give
freedom and liberty to all huma-
nity so gave every nation fr-
eedom and liberty and still givi-
ng. About this, it is written - for
Salvation through Born Again
as I was passing through and
considering the objects of your
worship, I even found an altar
with this inscription: TO THE
myth). Therefore, the One whom
you worship without knowing,
Him I proclaim to you: God, who
made the world and everything
in it, since He is Lord of heaven
and earth, does not dwell in
temples made with hands. Nor
is He worshiped with men’s han-
ds, as though He needed anything,
since He gives to all life, breath,
and all things. And He has made
from one blood every nation of
men to dwell on all the face of
the earth, and has determined
their pre appointed times and the
boundaries of their dwellings, so
that they should seek the Lord,
in the hope that they might grope
for Him and find Him, though He
is not far from each one of us;
for in Him we live and move and
have our being, as also some of
your own poets have said, ‘For
we are also His offspring.’ The-
refore, since we are the offspring
of God, we ought not to think that
the Divine Nature is like gold or
silver or stone, something shaped
The Salvation is the Gift of God
by art and man’s devising. Truly,
these times of ignorance God
overlooked, but now comma-
nds all men everywhere to rep-
ent, because He has appointed
a day on which He will judge
the world in righteousness by the
Man whom He has ordained.
He has given assurance of this
to all by raising Him from the
73 II And before He raised
many kings, He elected Abrah-
am as a great king, He appea-
red to Moses in the bush who
is an idol worshipping Israel
74 and commanded His statues
and testimonies in writing so that
all his blood relatives to follow
and revealed to him how the
glorious God will come into this
world as Savior to save the hu-
mankind from their sins.
75 But, after they entered into
the Promised Land Canaan, the
first king Saul’s heart stayed on
God for some extent but as he
sought the praises of men and
followed the witchcraft which is
equal to idolatry. So, God seve-
rely punished him and gave him
up to the death.