Salvation through Born Again
bing dew and rainwater. You are
also like that.
8 Now-a-days every vain person
who enters politics becomes a
leader of his country. Now-a-
days anyone who is dru-nkard
or slanderer or murderer or he
who encourages evil works is
elected and won as leader by the
9 Though anyone who is elected
as President or Prime Minister,
by God if he isn’t Born Again and
is in the likeness of tree of
banyan, which one will be used
in the hand of God like a tree of
fibre (banyan), like that he will
be used in a fire, but
10 the Omnipotent God will
hand over the angle of death at
that day, he may Born Aga-
inPresident or Prime Minister He
will be the symbol of the wheat
and give him the eternal kingdom
of heaven.
11 But if he is not Born Again
and having the original sin of the
first man, though he is President
or Prime Minister, he will be
given to the Lord like a banyan
tree, will be thrown into the
everlasting lake of fire and brim-
stone where there is weeping and
The Salvation is the Gift of God
gnashing of teeth forever and
12 Therefore, o Presidents, o
Prime Ministers to the end of the
earth, decide yourselves what
you want?
13 Decide now it, i.e. as you are
reading my epistle. For it is wr-
itten - Because, in this issue -
what I want to you do, your
wish, surely, I do. The God of
god’s say like this.
14 II Can you sustain in the
everlasting lake of fire and brim-
stone? You are also human
beings. If a straw thrown into the
furnace, like a big iron rod will it
sustain? No, not at all.
15 The everlasting hell prepared
for the rebellious angels. It is
prepared and hissing it. As it
was created for the evil Satan
and his followers, and how men
can live in it? Men can’t live in
16 For God so loved the world,
and gave His only begotten Son
so that we may escape the
terrible lake of fire and brimstone
forever. Those who believe in the
Lord Jesus Christ who is the
second person of godhead and
17 God will save those who are
Salvation through Born Again
Born Again. To save them He
suffered sore death of cross, rose
on the third day and granted to
humankind the great hope of scri-
ptural gospel and proved it.
18 The scriptural gospel is this :
Christ died for our sins according
to the Scriptures, and that He
was buried and that He rose
again the third day according to
the Scriptures.
19 II O Presidents, O Prime
Ministers, do you not need ete-
rnal salvation? Do you not need
the great salvation? Which God
gives you on free of cost? Why
are you introducing free policies
to serve you people? Is it not for
the welfare of the people?
20 When you love your own pe-
ople, how much more the Living
God would love his children who
He gives birth?
21 Have you ever thought how
much He was caring as you are
caring for those who are poor?
22 Do not forget the truth that
you are living because He is
giving you health, food, clothing,
and protecting you in all your
23 An any idol, a tree, or a beast
does these things, which are visi-
The Salvation is the Gift of God
ble to the eyes of men? Think
of yourselves genuinely. Life is
very much valuable. Think gen-
uinely without anger. Because it
is written - for the wrath of man
does not produce the righteo-
usness of God.
24 If they do those things then
why should you work hard for
the people? There is no need for
25 II But O President, O Prime
Minister, Christ Jesus died for
your sins. But you may bluff that
yourself I have not done any
26 Let me tell you - have not
you tell lies in your childhood?
Is it not sin? Have not you ever
taken wine? What about that?
Have not your eyes lust for a
beautiful girl or a woman? What
about that?
27 Have not you ever watch
movies, having sinful parties?
What about that? Is it delightful?
Not at all. The law of heaven
declared it to a sin.
28 I beseech you in the name
of Christ Jesus, O President and
O Prime Minister, to self exam-
ine whether you have ensnared
in those sins, which God revea-