Salvation through Born Again
tree means - they appointed a
king of Medo and God deserted
50 and then the tree boasted
over its Master of the garden
means - even this king exalted
himself over God, the Master
cutting it off means - God caused
him to be killed in the war, and
51 the Greece tree from a far
nation means - to bring a young
king of Greece (Alexander), cut
off the tree means - to kill the
king who exalted over God
52 and was appointed to be the
king of trees which has wisdom
and swiftness means - Alexander,
the king of Greece having great
knowledge and vice; roaming
around the garden means - going
around the world to establish a
53 to watch the trees of the
garden and subdue them means
- to subdue all nations; it also
exalted over God, the Master
means - he boasted himself over
54 Master sending a mosquito
to bite the bark means - God se-
nding a mosquito to make
wound upon his body; it sends
poison into his body means -
The Salvation is the Gift of God
ardent fever released in his
body; the tree dying in its young
age by a plague means - Alexa-
nder dying in his young age;
releasing four parous means - it
represents that his kingdom
divided into four parts.
55 as prophet revealed one
among them became great mea-
ns - one becomes powerful as
foretold by the prophet; thorns
grew means - the tree with terr-
ible thorns i.e. grew as the Ro-
man kingdom;
56 and it troubled all the plants
in the garden with its strong
thorns and made them cry
means - it has tortured all nations
57 then all the tree made cry to
the Master means - the children
of Abraham again cried to God
for freedom and liberty
58 the master who heard their
cries means - God who heard
their voice; to uproot the briers
and thorns means - to cut off the
kingdom of Rome; send the
Sharon Rose tree means - as
God revealed through his prop-
59 God sending His Son of Pro-
mise as the Savior of sinners, He
Salvation through Born Again
fought with it, died, buried and
by rising on the third day
60 uproot the thorns, to cast off
it in the eternal lake of fire and
brimstone; all the trees in the gar-
den means - to proclaim His gos-
pel in all the nations, invisibly ruling
with His church in the visible
world from His glorious throne
of heaven.
61 O Presidents and Prime Mini-
sters, I hope you all have grasped
the insight of these things.
62 So, o Presidents, and Prime
Ministers unto the end of the
earth, how do you like to live?
The Spirit of God is compelling
me for the salvation of your spirit
for which I compared this.
Ministers, which of these two tr-
ees of my parable would be co-
nsidered as high and great, the
tree of wheat or banyan tree? You
may say it is the banyan tree, wh-
ich give shadow to many beasts
and birds and give food (fruits)
to all.
2 Then give heed to my words,
will anybody use this banyan tree
to make anything? Have you
ever heard that anybody has
The Salvation is the Gift of God
done any useful thing with
banyan tree had you heard?
3 It is useful for many birds to
make nests, for many beasts
rest under the tree, and for the
wayfarers to take rest under it.
4 Will it be useful for any other
thing except to cut off and thro-
wn into the fire? You remember
that it will not be useful for noth-
5 But you political leaders,
performing many programs like
a tree that gives shelter. Is it? It
is? But O President, and O
Prime Minister, I am asking you
face to face through this my epi-
6 Do you understand that you
are living like a banyan tree; wh-
ich gives shelter to your citizens?
Will any person grow a banyan
tree in his house? No, no foolish
person will do so.
7 If you are not Born Again, you
will also be like a banyan tree,
which give shelter to your
citizens who walk in the way of
life. Will anyone take special ca-
re to grow it? Not at all. Will
anyone put fencing around it?
Not at all. It grows naturally in
the creation of God by absor-