The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 27

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN God’s word as the source, me- ans taking the Epistles written by Apostles to the church as the source, some previous preside- nts did not understand the mean- ing of the constitution written by the ancestors properly, they did- n’t understand My thoughts also and wrong meaning is applied to this as done by the past scribes and Pharisees. 19 I have granted you church and freedom and liberty through Jesus Christ, it has been used for doing sins; like the free and hap- py life of the ancestral human beings Adam and Eve was dec- eived by the wicked one. 20 Some presidents were decei- ved by him like that, those presi- dents were under the spell of wicked tricks, the country was thrown in to the pitch darkness of sins and unhealthy habits and the sins of the people in the coun- try were increased. 21 It has been told that all the people in the church are equal and alike, that means, there is no difference of Greeks, Hellenes, Scythians or Hebrews. As the body is one and the members are different, all the people shou- 1 1Cori5:6; 2 Isa5:20. 38 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD ld be alike and same before the living God – this part of the holy text has been wrongly described. 22 The presidents who did not understand the equality and res- emblance in the holy texts, so they have made a big group mix- ing the saints and the wicked pe- ople, thinking all of them are alike. This regards – they forgot the voice of God that - a little leaven 1 leavens the whole lump”. 23 “The man who came to live and the man who allows him to live are two different men, how they can be equal or same? How the servant will be equal to the owner? How the saint and sinner will be alike? Is there no differ- ence between black and white? Is the light and darkness equal? How the sweetness and bittern- ess alike? Impossible, isn’t it? 24 It is written that –Woe to and thinks that one who announces light as darkness 2 and darkness as light? – It is written - woe to one who think like – saints and sinners both are equal. Woe to them, woe to them, woe to them! 25 Woe to the people who will think the bitterness as sweetness Salvation Through BORN AGAIN and sweetness as bitterness; sin- ner as saint and saint as sinner woe to them, woe to them, woe to them. Alas, alas, alas! 26 Your ancestors thought that only holy people will live in your country and the incidents like Corinthians will not happen, you all will prosper like Ephesians holy people and you will be witn- ess like the people of Philippi city and accordingly your ancestors wrote the constitution. 27 The presidents thought that all are alike and equal without kno- wing the true (inner) meaning of this and saying the soft words like the clever fox, tried to spoil the purity and holiness in the country and thus they made the country full with utter curses and extreme sins. 28 So you have to start proper actions and try to know who is holy and pure hearted and who is sinner (unholy) with wicked, whose sins are excused and wh- ose sins aren’t forgiven by Me, God Almighty and Saviour of sinners and who are really not saved by Me. You have to make the gospels written as per the holy Scriptures (The Bible) reach to 39 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD those sinners whose sins are not forgiven and also see that they are “Newly Born” as per the holy Scriptures. 29 Many preachers are wron- gly taking the meaning of “Ne- wly Born” as taking “Baptism”. Those who are not Newly Born are living without the fear of Sins or fear of God. So these people should be thrown out of the country immediately. 30 It has been wrongly said and taken that forgiving sins means taking the Baptism, so take care of proper and precise (assure) meaning of this many preachers are using the word – now why do you wait? Rise and be bapti- zed and wash away your sins, calling on His name. Preachers have been interpreting this word wrongly. They say baptism cle- ans the sins. So you be care and alert this word corruption Make a Great Nation Again 31 Your country has to come again to the previous state that means, as a part of make Ame- rica great again, you have to follow and turn it in action said by Me, God, the consuming fire. The preachers who are tak-