The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 26

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN all the five elements in to ashes in no time in a moment. This is what God of truth and the con- suming fire is telling. 5 America is Mine, this is declar- ed by Me, I am God, the consu- ming fire. America is Mine, this is declared by Me, I am God, the consuming fire. America is Mine and I am telling this, I am God, the consuming fire. I am de- livering My voice, the voice of God, the consuming fire. For this declarations(statement), this day elements, you, and My servants are witness unto the end of the earth” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire Judgements to who encourage Sins 6 II Yet God, the consuming fire is also telling that people have become slaves to fornication, ad- ultery, alcohol, debauchery, vices and abnormal and weird sex of men with men and women with women and unbound sins in America, so God is telling to all those sinners like this – 7 “The minds here are fully degr- aded with fornication in the cou- ntry, and the country is polluted with the sons of the adulterers 36 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD and daughters of adulterers, im- pure, baseborn and ersatz. Woe to you, woe to you, woe to you, the sons and daughters of pro- stitutes those who rages with heart of whoredom and doing whoredoms in America and pol- luted the country. Alas, alas, alas. 8 Woe to you, woe to you, woe to you, the sons and daughters of adulterers, those who rages with hearts of adultery and doing adultery and making country desolate by their adultery. 9 You are doing burglary and robbery under the spell of into- xication consuming alcohol, you are filling My country with rob- bery and alcohol, you are sons of intoxicating and drunkards! Woe to you, woe to you, woe to you! Alas! Alas! Alas! 10-11 You are raising the spoiled minds in your body, like Sodom and Gomorrah and Admah and Zeboiim of olden days, doing unhealthy and immoral sex of men with men and women with women. You are living like in inferior ways; you are doing like animals. O sons and daughters of porcupines! Woe to you, woe to you, woe to you, Alas! Alas! Salvation Through BORN AGAIN Alas! O sons of Satan! O daughters of Satan! O desce- ndants of immoral and wicked kingdoms! O weeds! Who asked you to live in My country? Let him be how great he is, he and all you will be thrown in to the perpetual burning sulfur fire for torments forever and ever! I am God, the consuming fire and I am saying this to you. 12 I wished that My nation stay with holy, and My people may be very few like remnant and they will be rooted strongly and put forth shoots, new leaves and spr- outs and I have planted them in this My country. How you have entered in My country doing the sins of your father exceptive the Satan. You are the curse making our nation and our people cursed, damned and abominable. 13 So I don’t allow even a single man of such damned kind, all tho- se sinners will be chased out of My country as a burglar is chased by a group of people. I wish all of such people should be chased and thrown out of the country. 14 I am God of holy, I will make My country and My people holy and sanctify without any flaws 37 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD and I Myself start this action and finish with hastily it and all the people on the land and in the sky will know this” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire Losses of Amendments of Constitution 15 II Yet God, the consuming fire is also telling to the president like t his – “O President appointed by Me to do everyth- ing accord My heart like Cyrus! You have to hear My words very carefully, I alert you to un- derstand and do as per you un- derstood My words. 16-17 I will teach and guide to you and your people. You are My servant and you have to go with My remnant people on the way I have directed you to go. Like a father takes the hand of his child to go on right path, I am also telling you. So you have to keep these things in your mind. What are they – I have granted the constitution for the country, but former rulers bring amendments in that and open the doors freely for the wicked (satan) and his followers. 18 Do you know how – taking