The Ghent Review Vol 1 number 2 | Page 5

Without Other than seeming or seemingly so As if in the image / a reality / ( clear in a mirror ’ s clarity ) Or a voice saying see me / on the verge of myself / everything By a name or by another / as if other will be / seamless even in a question ’ s embroidery Like Aegean waters / a clarity / pure mirror Again / time ’ s repetitions / eternal to the final moment What would you be if you were not what you are ? Again / like water ’ s repetitions / multiple mirrors into which Into which / on a day / given / or taken ( Take !) Take and sing / by mouth ’ s authority / confirmed and atoned As if in other circumstances ( but there are no other circumstances ) Shall we give it then the guise of a name / or a song / or its absence Propose a third proposition / alternatives / to presence or to absence ? That it might be / ( and not just seemingly )/ flicker of flame in a cave The jostling shadows / bull ’ s head painted on a rock / dwellers Among the shadows the dwellers This has been sung / ( troubadours of half-light )/ a recital Vision / vision-bird / as if unto the descendents / like water in a mirror or fairground lights in rain Veil of seemingness / between what might and what is / shifting border Perhaps even a text / dialogue / monologue / dialogue / shifting border Perhaps / limits of a word / thus of the world In other words though there are no other words / ( might that be given a music ?) Recital visionary / beyond all seeming Word into bird from the nest of language clear as a mirror / ( or lake ) But do not / do not move / here ( is the ledge ) Clarity only at the turbulent core / magma and surface / a fire About which in a cave might gather those with chalk in their hands