The Ghent Review Vol 1 number 2 | Page 4

Silence / silent strings / even the flute can be empty of notes / is it then a flute ? If not be what you are what are you ?/ a riff on the self / most indefinitely So as it was / was it ?/ was so that it shall be As if no other / or some other seemingness / seemingly Like a bird peering from its nest ( meaning by that that a bird peers from its nest ) Nor other is it a bird / so how sing that / or mime it to the wind That absence / presence of an absence / configurations and conflagrations Ash of phoenix on the tongue / ah , but the eyes by the eyes determined Sight of the borderland / again / as ever and shall be So now among the many who are you ?/ ( now ) In the magma of a moment / fire-core about which / surface Give a farthing for a song / such as might be fire about which / another surface for the shattering But deeper than the bird can peer into / emptiness of a mirror Like Aegean waters / pure clarity / into which I / you / we By rotations / globe in still water / circles which are more than seem As if all might be known by other names / ( then silence reign as a presence not an absence ) Being so as to not be / by other names / delineations Border of shoreline again / gull to the wave ’ s bobbing / o sing that ye troubadours of silence and song And other dreams / amongst us / another configuration As aforetime if time be before time / ( time was / not was ) As out of the mirror Surface and core / that unto us / given How now ?/ and what is the question ?/ must there be a question ? Into that my brethren into that Now fire the flint not next time but now / that unto descendents be Given Question or sing / it / as if no other can / ( or would ) Would that you might like the phoenix / as if from fire / fire to burn the water with