The Georgia Police Chief Fall 2021 | Page 60

60 FALL 2021


The City was also facing other increased costs that would come as a result of a possible consolidation . The first being the department would have to change from its current CAD ( Computer Aided Dispatch ) system vendor to one the county utilized . The City was also advised it may have to start paying for routine calls that were not 911 calls , even though the county was receiving the City ’ s portion of 911 fees as mandated by state law . As a result , the department began looking at other technology beyond the traditional systems that have used for more than thirty-five-years . This search opened the possibilities of “ broadband ” or cellular service as a source to be used as the department ’ s primary communications device between dispatch and officers . FirstNet , only being several years in existence , had already been working on moving broadband into the forefront of public safety communications by providing a pre-emptive network ( Band 14 ) critical missions through AT & T . Working with representatives from First- Net , AT & T , and the Georgia Emergency Management Agency , a plan was formed to produce a model PSAP utilizing mobile broadband service as a communications platform . This provided many benefits compared to the previous system as well as switching to a “ P25 ” system .
The greatest benefit was the reduced cost of establishing the broadband system and buildout of the dispatch center . The total cost for implementation was less than $ 200,000 , with most of that amount being associated equipping the dispatch center . The cost of the cell phones was less than one dollar each compared to approximately $ 1,000 for a traditional radio . The smart phones provided the department an additional advantage of combining several pieces of equipment into one . The smart phones were push-to-talk , similar to the radios officers had already been carrying , had exceptional cameras , and provided GPS tracking . They also provided the capability of remotely transmitting data from user to multiple users without officers having to go back to their patrol vehicles . In addition , numerous important apps were at the officers ’ fingertips . This system enabled the department to build talk groups within the agency as well as outside agencies in a matter of minutes . Additional “ cradle points ” were added to patrol vehicles which expanded the wireless networking capabilities over ordinary “ hotspots ”. Another great benefit of the broadband system was the minimal maintenance required when compared to that of a traditional radio system . The City did not have to build or maintain towers such as those utilized by AT & T . During the same time the equipment was being tested and evaluated , the department sought to become an “ Enhanced 911 PSAP ”. GEMA approved the request to make the transition within a matter of months .

60 FALL 2021