The Georgia Police Chief Fall 2021 | Page 59

FALL 2021 59


Using Broadband Technology to Cost-Effectively Provide Dispatch Operations

Chief Joe Duvall

Today , law enforcement is facing far greater challenges than ever before . The challenges have become more complex , and agencies are having to find ways to face those challenges with new technology and resources . The Dallas Police Department , located in Paulding County , faced one of those challenges as it moved from a “ secondary ” dispatch center to an “ Enhanced 911 ” center in August of 2021 . This move provided a path for the department to implement one of the most technologically advanced communications centers and the first in the State of Georgia to become a fully functional “ Enhanced 911 ” center utilizing mobile broadband technology . As broadband technology continues to improve , it is important to explain how the department progressed to its current status . For years , Paulding County served as the primary Public Safety Answering Point ( PSAP ) for all jurisdictions within the county . The City of Dallas maintained its own dispatch center that served as a secondary communications center . As a secondary communications center , the county transferred 911 calls originating within the city limits to the Dallas dispatch center . Shortly after becoming Chief in 2018 , the county ( VHF ) radio system was at “ end of life ”. Efforts were made to move to an ( 800mgz ) system that would serve public safety agencies into the future .
As the staff began to research the cost of the initiative , it became evident the purchase of a new radio system was going to cost approximately two million dollars . With costs continuing to rise , the department began looking at alternative solutions to reduce the operational costs for its communications center , as it was funded through the City ’ s general fund . At first , it appeared the best option would be to merge the department ’ s communications center with the county since they were already collecting the City ’ s portion of 911 fees . While negotiating with the county to consolidate the communications centers , the City was faced with a very long and unacceptable timeline for the merger because of the lack of staffing to train the department ’ s personnel .

FALL 2021 59