teenager high school experience, as the pure academic a champion, the student learns the reward from hard work,
study and development of critical thought gained in the learns how to gain determination from failure and then to
classroom. And the most important of these is character, enjoy the sweet taste of success. The champion learns how
as without character there is no reliable route ahead in to develop purpose in everything they do, how to manage
relationships, friendships and business dealings. Managers their time and how to set realistic goals to achieve the
in business often recruit for character, and then develop the different stages of success, all important skills for life. The
skills in staff, knowing that developing character in someone true champion inspires with their dedication, and through
later in life is unlikely. their achievements and character become the leaders in
If character is most important, how do we develop it? their community.
Clearly the influences in the family are important, as well as
the peer group of friends, and the teachers at school. But 9. Does your facility lend itself to the needs of the students?
in our view the most important way to develop character is How often is the facility open to them for practice? Is the
to test an individual, under pressure, have them experience facility available on the weekend?
challenges and failure, and learning to grow stronger through
the lessons learned and under the guidance of the “mentor”, BGGA’s facility was created solely for the students. They
who may be a parent, teacher or sports coach. The most take priority over everyone else on the course. Students walk
extreme challenges generally come from extreme situations, out their door to the range, and can practice any time of the
which is where pursuing a “passion” to a high level is such day, night or on weekends.
a positive developmental tool for students. It takes much
hard work and perseverance to develop a golf swing, then The BGGA golf training facility surpasses all others with
add the short game skills and the mental disciplines, just no exception. BGGA features a golf course that provides
as it does the tennis game, soccer game, equestrian skills, challenges on every shot, a state of the art practice facility
musical skills and so on. By taking on this passion to become that brings the course to the range to simulate competitive
conditions in training and an extensive campus which
includes tennis courts, swimming pool, well-appointed
condominium housing, a full-service catering center and an
education and learning building to support academic and
college preparation success.