Our most valuable asset at BGGA is our peer group of
students whom we believe are second to none. Our student-
athletes share the common experience of sacrifice in leaving
home; courage in typically coming to a foreign country to
study in a different language, and great ambition to become
a professional golfer or at minimum to have a great college
golf experience.
Peer group interactions and school culture have consistently
been named among the most influential factors on student
learning. Further, a mounting body of evidence clearly
indicates that students who receive programming focused
on leadership, community and character academically
5. How is your child’s fitness? A good team of fitness outperform their peers, get better grades, and graduate at
experts who tailor a program to golf as well as to the higher rates.
child is another critical point. How often will my child
receive physical conditioning and by whom? Is there pre- Maintaining our student body at less than one hundred
habilitation and rehabilitation offered? students preserves the intimacy and familiarity of this peer
A junior golfer’s functional fitness and strength and
conditioning are vital to their success on and off the course.
For endurance, injury prevention, and to promote peak
performance, strength and conditioning is a core part of the
golf program at BGGA.
6. What type of diet works best for your child? Proper
nutrition and hydration before, during and after golf are
as important for optimal performance as your equipment.
Ask about meal timing, how they balance food groups and
manage hydration. How will the boarding school staff help
to navigate the food choices they will face on a daily basis
and how will they assist to create strategies for healthy
Boarding students eat all of their meals in Champions Hall, 8. Integrating character development into sports and
the Clubhouse at BGGA. BGGA utilizes an in-house catering academics provides a healthy social experience. Are there
service lead by our executive chef and catering team. We any leadership opportunities for the student-athletes?
have experts on staff who assist students in how to best How does the boarding school offer responsibility and
navigate the choices they face on a daily basis and help tutor in leadership?
create strategies for healthy eating. Educational sessions
throughout the year help to further develop these skills.
BGGA has both a peer-mentoring /leadership model known
as BGGA Ambassadors and a college athlete character
7. Does your child prefer people around or alone time? program called HABITUDES. Through these programs that
Would he/she have an easy time making friends? Does harness the power of peers, BGGA leverages the leadership
your child prefer being in a large or smaller group? Ask potential of students critical to college and career success.
about the boarding school’s peer group. Many experts note that “character, grit, discipline, self-
esteem, self-confidence, sociability” are as important in a