challenges included an obstacle course, quizzes based on
educational sessions, a Dodge Ball match, timed circuits,
medicine balls throws, vertical jump height (power testing)
and even a Multi-Stage Fitness Test (a.k.a. The Beep Test).
By the end of the designated time period, the top 10 students
on the leaderboard will be rewarded with an adventure-based
activity off-campus. This year we are looking at Orlando Tree
Trek Adventure Course, a zip line and ropes course, as the
destination for our student group. It should be a fantastic
afternoon celebrating the efforts of our young developing
golf athletes.
The key this year to landing atop of the leaderboard is no
surprise - CONSISTENCY. Regular attendance, ensuring that
good hydration is maintained throughout the day, fueling
appropriately for training sessions, developing good sleeping
habits and essentially putting forth a maximal effort every
session is what it takes to be performing optimally each week.
While the points are still being finalized here are some of
the students who made it onto the leaderboard this year
with exceptional performances – Savannah Weyrauch,
Daniel Song, Tim Winter, Yoko Tai, Georgy Voronov and
Egor Zotov.
Congratulations to all who participated and to those who
found a way to get it done!
Week 1: Physical Competence Testing Results (based on Week 5: Vertical Jump Height + Rotational
our Fitness Reports) for Best Male and Female and Most Medicine Ball Throws
Improved + The Mile Run Week 6: Holding a front plank for the longest possible time
Week 2: The “Quiet” game - Encouraging reflection while in Team Challenge-Dodge Ball Game
fitness class and to quiet the chatter so that the students can Week 7: Repeat Mile Run + Improvement Points +
focus on their task at hand Essay on “what I have learned in fitness”
Circuit – How many rounds can you complete in 15mins? Week 8: Team Challenge -Tic Tac Toe
Week 3&4: Quizzes – (1) What is the In-Place Warm-up; Week 9: Obstacle Course – Individual + Team Points
(2) Sleep Week 10: The Beep Test + Improvement Points
The Burpee Challenge