The Gate April 2019 | Page 14

UPPING THE ANTE BGGA’S 2ND ANNUAL FITNESS CHALLENGE This semester saw BGGA students competing in the Each week various challenges were set and points awarded 2nd Annual Fitness Challenge, an initiative developed by for top performances and/or improvement either on an Performance Coaches Karen Harrison and Justin Smith. The individual or team basis. Endurance or power-based activities Goal - to bring out the competitiveness in BGGA student- were common, but also included were a few out-of-the- athletes and reward effort, attitude, discipline, team work box ideas designed to test a student’s discipline, memory as well as individual performances in the physical training or ability to make decisions in the heat of the moment that setting. The event began early January, extended over 10 could alter an outcome. Consider for example a simple game weeks until Spring Break. of Tic-Tac-Toe conducted as a relay running team event! Or the “Quiet Game” – a session in which students were not allowed to speak to one another – the session was designed to promote a concept called “deliberate practice”, often cited as a necessary component in developing excellence and mastery. Other challenges included holding a front plank for as long as possible (with good form of course) – our record this year – Tyden Wilson with 8 mins 33 secs. Try to match that effort! The male and female winners of our “Mile Run” this year were Michael Boer (5 mins 29s) and Savannah Weyrauch (7mins 22s) respectively, with points also awarded to top 10 finishers and individuals recording improved times. Other 14 THE GATE | APRIL 2019