5 Ways Gaming Saves You Money and Generally Makes Life Better
cappuciniato with an extra shot
of overpriced, or the moreexpensive-than-the-averageweekly-shop burger and chips.
And that’s just food, so what
about all that stuff you walk
past that you suddenly need in
your life, even though you only
just found out it existed. That
TARDIS-shaped toaster that’s
bigger on the inside isn’t gonna
buy itself after all.
2: The Recluse Effect
Here’s a whole other world ready to snap up your
pennies that would otherwise be safe and sound;
the outside world. When you’re happily playing
away in your room of gaming, there’s no need to
visit that outdoors place, and think of all the money
you’ll save! Petrol?
Bah, that’s staying
right where it is, not to
mention the lack of tyre
be saving a fortune
on. And if you don’t
drive, you’ll be saving
on public transport, or
wearing out the soles
on your shoes from all
the walking.
3: The Other
Half Equation
This is a great one because there are potentially
many problems solved with just one problem.
If your other half isn’t into games, chances are
they’re gonna want to go out; you know on dates
and stuff. Those things that cost a fortune, yeah.
Well by staying in gaming, there’s no need for
Then there’s all those
things you end up
buying when you’re
out there; your halfcaf, non-dairy, venti
Issue 51 • January 2014
9 • GameOn Magazine