The GameOn Magazine - Free Special Editions XCOM: Enemy Within Special Edition | Page 16
122 Years of Extraterrestrial Combat
Until 2040, until a new kind of terror emerges from
the depths of our own oceans, requiring X-COM to
reunite and redeploy 20,000 leagues under the sea
as it battles the Terror from the Deep.
An alien race, completely separate from the ones
encountered in previous X-COM games, crash
landed many millions of years ago and wiped out
the dinosaurs. The T’Leth had been hidden in the
depths of our oceans for 65 million years until the
base on Mars was destroyed in the first Enemy
Unknown, which sent out an tachyon beam and
was received by a long, long dormant receptor, and
the human race have to deal with a new threat.
One already set up in the deepest recesses of the
Weapons and warcraft developed in Enemy
Unknown have no effect underwater, causing
the player to begin again. Despite a few tweaks
here and there, gameplay is identical to Enemy
Unknown, but this time dealing with Aquatoids
and Lobster Men. Over six years the war ravages
on, never straying far from the true X-COM turn-
‘Weapons and warcraft
developed in Enemy
Unknown have no effect
underwater, causing the
player to begin again.’
based management style. Eventually X-COM
discovers ‘Alien Horror’, a cryogenically preserved
tentacled being in the processes of being reawoken
to destroy the human race. The team must end up
sacrificing themselves to destroy the Alien Horror
and the remainder of the T’Leth.
Fast-forward to 2067 and the human race are
desperate. Earth’s resources are all but completely
depleted, causing the megacorporations of the
time to take to space in search of ram materials
that humans require to survive. Having not spent
long scouring space, an old enemy returns, the
aliens from the original Enemy Unknown rear their
ugly, bulging-eyed heads once more.
Essentially a space combat
sim, most likened to Colony
Wars, X-COM: Interceptor
strays far from the X-COM
format and relies heavily on
the name. However, elements
of classic X-COM remain as
you undertake the role of
commander of X-COM in this
particular region of space,
creating bases, managing
resources and finances, etc.
and more importantly find
out what about the region has
interested the aliens so much.
XCOM: Enemy Within Special Edition 2013
16 • GameOn Magazine