The Float Tube Fishing Forum Vol: 1 Issue; 2 | Page 9

Mentoring the Next Generation of Fishermen

We meet at Ralph B Clark Park at 8:30 a.m. on the 29th of July. The mission was to teach the sport of fishing to the next generation of fishermen. The team on deck, Flyfishingfool aka – Rudy, GT aka – Robert, Casting Call aka – Marlin and myself jeffcpr aka – Jeff. The kids arrived just after 9 a.m. and they were eager to learn. The day started with some quick conversation on, 'catch and release', keeping our parks clean, as well as lessons on safety.

Next we moved to the lake to practice casting and to deal with all the birds’ nests, and let me tell you we had quite a few. After some practice, we started setting up for bluegill fishing. This was a great success. Most of the kids caught and all of them had a great time. At the end of the day, everyone got to go home with a new fishing pole. But there was one conversation that was had between a member and one of the kids that truly explained the reason we were doing this.

From Casting call:

This following conversation I had with one of the kids pretty much sums up what it’s all about:

ME (after the kid lands a baby bass, the first fish of the day, mind you!): "See! You know how to fish now."

Kid: (He babbles about how he almost caught a fish one time bare handed..his first and only fishing

ME: You’ll have to tell your dad to take you out fishing, now that you can catch fish!

Kid: I don’t really see my dad. He doesn’t live with us.

ME: Well, ask your mom to take you!

Kid: My mom is sick.

ME: Any older brothers or sister you can ask?

Kid: No, they are still little.

ME: (Quiet because I started feeling bad for the kid)


I sure hope his grandpa starts taking the kid fishing....

So, the mission was accepted; lessons were learned by both the kids and the FTFF members. I would like to once again say thanks to these guys and kids for a great day.