The Float Tube Fishing Forum Vol: 1 Issue; 2 | Page 8

Have you Caught this fish?

The wiper is a hybrid fish developed from crossing a striped bass with a white bass as you can tell this is not natural. Therefore, wipers must be cultured in a fish hatchery environment. These fish are more tolerant of warmer waters and lower dissolved oxygen then one on their crossed brides, the striped bass. This makes the wiper a fish that can be stocked in a wide variety of freshwater lakes. Wipers have a streamlined body with a bluish-black back; there sides are silver in color with a white belly. The horizontal lines are usually broken, often forming a unique “W” pattern above the lateral line. Hybrids can reach weights of 5 to 10 pounds but they can get larger.

Hybrid bass tend to prefer fairly flat, shallow, sandy areas in smaller lakes. In other lakes, (typically the larger reservoirs), they may prefer the more rocky habitats located directly above or below any adjacent dams. Best fishing for wiper bass occurs just after sundown or in the early morning hours. They are caught primarily on artificial baits, which resemble shad. Imitation shad that rattle have proven to be successful, at many lakes. This is a fish I have not had the privilege to catch but it is on my list. It seems to be a fish worth the hunt. Tight lines everyone!

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