The Float Tube Fishing Forum Vol: 1 Issue; 2 | Page 24

Much thanks to the guys that brought the food and the BBQ. Lunch time was great! We had hotdogs, hambergurs and a whole 5 slices of cheese! And the chicken was just amazing! We ended up taking a lunch break as a group and this is when we gave out there prizes. One Fish Finder Mount was given to Vagabond for the biggest fish on the day. The next Fish Finder Mount went to the most fish caught, that was Mikeotunakiller with 13 on the day. The other prizes were given out by raffle and the other winners of the last Fish Finder Mount and the Bass In the Hood lures were Bassman96, Charlie Beatle Vasquez and Tony G. Great job guys!

So I think we all should give Jess Ranch Lakes, Float Tube Fanatcis as well as Bass in the Hood a big Bass thumbs up. Thanks for a great time on the water we really appreciated it.

The photo of the big winners for the day, thanks to all that participated in this event. I really had a great time I hope we can do this again soon.