The Float Tube Fishing Forum Vol: 1 Issue; 2 | Page 23

Highlights from Float Tube Fanatics Jess Ranch Lakes Great Fish off event

Jess Ranch Lake turned out to be a great time. The water was small but well worth our time.

Once we got in

and saw the lake

we were going

to be fishing on,"

But then the staff

member said

""hey! You guys

are the first to

fish this water

in over a month

and a half."

I think we all

thought the


"hungry fish!' So

it was on! And

we got our gear set-up and ready to go.

KPT Kirk was first in and first to land a fish.

At this point I am trying my best to get in the water because I want in on the action, as well. I think I was the 4th or 5th in the water and at that point there has already been at least 3 LMB's landed. After being in the water for only about 2 minutes I am already getting hits and with in my 4th cast I am on and landing my first of 3 fish.

Picture of the

start of our day

Above and Right

My first catch


Tony G enjoying the day with a nice Bass at Jess Ranch Lakes. I think you would agree the smile on Tony's face really sums up or day at The lake

Lunch time thank goodness for the EZ-up. It was much needed. Ya! That is one EZ-up for 10 guys! But we made it work. and a big thanks to Tony G. for the shade.

Saftey is always important. You can never know what might happen as you can see picture above. I can report that it all ended-up just fine. In fact, this was just becasue he was letting a little air out of the bladder to keep it from over filling.. All ended up just fine and I am sure he will be back for more.

Vagabond with the winner fish. Nice Trout And I have to give it out to Vagabond. He tried to revive this fish for about 20 minutes. He kicked around the lake pulling the trout tring to get water through his gills. After a valuant effort Brian decided he would have a trout dinner. The Marshall at Jess Ranch was great he told Brian don't worry about the fish you told me and you can keep it,. So, Vagabond... how did it taste?