The Flawless Vision
Questioner: Yes, it is rampant everywhere.
Dadashri: That is precisely why I am telling you to leave
all that and come to me. I will give to you what I have attained,
and your work will be done and you will be liberated. Otherwise
you will not find freedom.
I never look at anybody’s faults, but I do take note of what
this world is like. I have seen the world in all its aspects. The fact
that you see faults in anyone is your own mistake. At some point
in time you will have to see the world as faultless. All this is nothing
but your own account from previous life. If you understand just
this much, it will be very useful to you.
I see the entire world as absolutely faultless. When you
see it in the same way, the whole puzzle will be solved for you. I
will give you such a clear vision and I will destroy so many of your
sins, that you will be able to retain this vision and see the world in
this light of innocence. Along with this vision, I will also give you
Five Agnas (Dadashri’s Five Directives after The Gnan Vidhi).
As long as you abide by these Agnas, you will preserve the Gnan
that has been given to you.
The Faults Leave When You Become
Aware Of Their Existence
When you begin to see your own faults, you have attained
Right Vision. This right vision is synonymous with awakened
awareness. This awareness lets you see your own faults. Everyone
in the world is asleep (in spiritual ignorance). You should not be
concerned whether your faults end or not. It is your awareness
that is important. After you attain awareness, new faults will not
arise and old faults will dissipate. You have to be aware of how
faults arise.
Your faults begin to leave the moment you see them. Even