The Flawless Vision
the wheat they have sorted out pieces of gravel by hand from it.
If it were their intention to make you miserable, why would they
bother doing all this?
You should never look another person’s faults. When you
do this, you are spoiling your life in the world. You should only
look at your own faults. Every event and circumstance is the fruit
of your own karma, so is there anything left to be said? People
go around accusing, criticizing and finding fault with each other
and yet they sit together to dine. This is what perpetuates
vengeance, and vengeance is the reason this world exists. That is
why I tell you to settle your dealings with everyone, with equanimity
so that vengeance comes to an end.
No One is At Fault in the World
One should be liberated from each and every karma. Each
time your mother-in-law torments you; you should become free
from that karma. What should you do to achieve that? You
should regard your mother-in-law as blameless and accept that it
is because of your own karma that you have encountered her.
This is the only way you can free yourself from the karma. After
all, she is an ‘instrument’. If you look at her fault, you will increase
your karma, then how can anyone help you? How can even God
help you?
Live in such a way that you do not bind any karma. Keep
your distance from this world. It is because of your karma that
you have encountered all these people. Who are all these people
at your home? They are the very people you have bound karma
with and they are even capable of harming you. Even if you resolve
not to speak to them, they will force you to. This is revenge
created from the past life. Vengeance from your past life! Have
you experienced this anywhere?