Most of the mistakes are created because of speech. You
can resolve many of these by maintaining your awareness and
remaining silent. By keeping your vision focused on the reality
(samyak drashti), you will not create any more mistakes and will
destroy existing ones. Even after Self-Realization, you will have
kashays, but you will immediately have the awareness and be able
to keep it separate.
The Akram Vignani destroys all the twenty-five moha by
giving you the Knowledge of your Real Self. By stating that all
good habits and bad habits are an illusion, he has liberated us from
When can you point out mistakes in others? When they are
not able to see their mistakes on their own and providing that they
feel indebted to you for doing so. You cannot create kasay if there
is too much salt in the cooking.
True pratikraman is only done when you see your own faults
and see everyone in your home as nirdosh.
How long should you continue doing pratikraman? For as
long as you have negative feelings towards that person or as long
as you keep remembering that person. As long as you have an
‘attacking nature’, you will continue to suffer.
No matter what the other person does to you, you should
avoid conflict and distance yourself.
When you know that you are not the ‘doer’, but see others
as ‘doers’, it is the same as becoming the ‘doer’. You automatically
become the ‘doer’ when you see others as ‘doers’ even in the
slightest degree. It does not matter if the prakruti is fighting, do not
see him as the ‘doer’, because in reality vyavasthit (scientific
circumstantial evidences – which bring forth the effect of past karma)
is the doer not him.
It is the ego that makes a mistake and also the ego that