The Flawless Vision The Flawless Vision | Page 125

96 The Flawless Vision become indestructible. Questioner: They become indestructible even if we are sitting with you Dada? Dadashri: No, but you do not get the benefit of being close to me that you otherwise get. These are the kind of mistakes you are making. That is why I am cautioning you. The Gnan does not go away when you make mistakes. But by being careful things improve. The One Who Sees Faults in The Gnani Dadashri: Do you see a fault in me, sometimes? Questioner: No. Dadashri: Never? And this is the first time this poor man sees faults in me. That is why I do not let strangers come too close to me. When a person uses his intellect he will inevitably see faults, and this leads to his downfall. It will take him to hell and just because he did not understand! Alas! People look at faults even in the Gnani Purush, the one who has the potential for the salvation of the entire world. People do not understand this and that is why I do not allow them to come too close to me, and when I do, it is only for a couple of hours. Niruben is the only one who has not seen faults in me. She has lived with me for so many years and yet she has not seen any faults in me. Not even for a second! That is something! Have you ever seen faults in me sometimes? Not ever? Questioner: Dada, this science of yours is divine. Here there is no reason for us to look for faults. Not in you, who remains in absolute knowledge. Dadashri: You Jains are good about this; even a small