The Flawless Vision The Flawless Vision | Page 124

The Flawless Vision 95 – Get rid of your vision that makes you see faults in others, otherwise your progress will be hindered. Questioner: If we continue to see faults in others, do we not regress spiritually? Dadashri: You will be destroyed. Vyavasthit is the doer of everything. After acquiring this Gnan, everything that happens is dictated by vyavasthit. Indestructible Mistake If you have made mistakes elsewhere, you will be able to destroy them here (with Gnan), but if you make mistakes here (in the satsang environment, amongst other mahatmas), you will create permanent bondage. That is why I tell you to erase your sins. You can do this by admitting your mistakes and vow never to repeat them. I will always tell you that you should never see anyone’s faults here, you can go see faults elsewhere. You will be able to erase the faults you see outside of satsang environment, but the faults you see here will bind you in such a way that you will never be able to become free. Do not see faults in anyone, no matter how inappropriate the person’s behavior may be. And if you happen to see someone’s faults, erase it immediately otherwise your own mistake will become indestructible. You must erase your mistakes immediately. The moment you get a negative thought, erase it immediately. You should not concern yourself with whether someone is behaving correctly or incorrectly. This is the Satsang – place of worship. If you make mistakes when you are rooted in your satsang, your mistakes become indestructible. If you make a mistake at home, you can erase that mistake here in satsang, but mistakes made in satsang,