The Flawless Vision The Flawless Vision | Page 112
The Flawless Vision
Anything is possible. Whatever baggage lies within is the
baggage that will come out. But if you see him as a doer, then
your Gnan will become weak. In reality, he is not the doer and
everything is under the control of other forces. Does your Gnan
sometimes become weak in this way?
Questioner: Yes, sometimes it does.
Dadashri: There is no problem with the prakruti fighting,
but do not see him as the doer. The prakruti behaves according to
the way it was created in the past life; it will quarrel, it will fight,
but you should not see him as the doer.
No one is doing anything wrong at anytime. Whatever faults
you see in others, is the weakness in your Gnan. Everything is
entirely your own account.
Ultimately It Is The Ego
Are you able to see your own faults now?
Questioner: Yes I am.
Dadashri: The one who is ignorant of his Real Self is
established in false egoism. This is egoism from the perspective of
the Self. In short, ‘I am Chandubhai’ is ego. Such a person cannot
see his own faults. He may be aware of a few gross faults.
The Tirthankars never interfered when anyone made a
mistake. It is the ego that meddles. The one that sees the fault is
the ego. And the fault itself is also the ego. Both are egos.
Questioner: What about the one who commits the fault?
Dadashri: That is the ego and so is the one that sees the
Questioner: Why do you say that the fault is also ego?