The Flawless Vision The Flawless Vision | Page 111

82 The Flawless Vision bring an end to it if you accept that everything is vyavasthit. Tell Chandubhai, ‘see the account has been settled’. If you see everyone faultless, you will be liberated. Seeing people at fault, means that you have not seen them as the pure Soul. When you see the pure Soul in the other person, then you will not see any fault in him. See Others As Non-Doers What good is it if you say something to someone but he sees it as a fault on your part? Questioner: Where is the benefit in that? There is only damage in that. Dadashri: With which knowledge does he find fault in your words? Questioner: Where is the knowledge in that? Does he not see it as a fault because he is ignorant? Dadashri: Yes, but when he sees your fault in spite of having taken this Gnan, what is he doing? He is weakening his own Gnan. He is a non-doer and yet he sees the other person as a doer. In doing so, it is synonymous as becoming the doer himself. To see others as doers, even in the slightest degree is to regress in your own Gnan. That is what our Gnan says. Even if the prakruti is quarreling or fighting, do not see the person as the doer. There is no telling what the prakruti will do. Questioner: Sometimes the prakruti continues to quarrel beyond limits. Dadashri: Beyond limit? Well it is still better than being physical attacked. The prakruti can become crazy and it may even pick up a gun!