The Flawless Vision The Flawless Vision | Page 109

80 The Flawless Vision and reverence for me . What Mistake in One ’ s Home May Be Criticized ?
People ’ s home lives have become ruined . Life should not be like this . It should be full of love ; where there is love , one cannot look at mistakes . If you want to point out your wife ’ s mistake , you should also be able to make her understand . If you offer her a suggestion by saying ‘ Maybe we should do it this way ’, she will accept it and be glad you advised her .
Some men will kick up a big fuss even over not having sugar in their tea . All I say is ‘ For heaven ’ s sake just drink it in peace ’. Surely she will find out when drinks the tea . She will even ask you why you did not ask for any sugar .
People do not know how to live their life in the home . One should not , in one ’ s home , point out anyone ’ s mistakes . People nevertheless do this , do they not ?
Questioner : Everyday .
Dadashri : You criticize everybody at home : your wife , your children , your father , everyone but yourself . That is how awkward you are . What wisdom ! So from now on become wise and do not commit any aggression through mind , speech and actions .
Be quick to remove any stains that may splash . When mistakes arise , and they will , you should wash them off immediately . Mistakes do occur but your job is to wash them off .
stain .
Questioner : But one has to acquire the ability to see the
Dadashri : That you have acquired . Others do not have this ability but you do and that is why you are able to see your faults . The nature of your awareness is such that it will show you