The Flawless Vision The Flawless Vision | Page 108
The Flawless Vision
To See The Waterfall of Faults
Can you see your faults from moment to moment?
Questioner: I see some, but not every moment.
Dadashri: You will be able to see them every moment.
There are still many faults, countless faults, but you are not able to
see them. Ordinarily, a person is not able to see any of his faults,
but he may admit to a few. When one begins to see one’s own
faults, one is ready for liberation.
Are you able to see a constant flow of your faults? Whatever
faults you see, are gone. The next day, many new faults will become
evident. There will be a constant flow of these faults and they will
continue to flow until they finish. From now on your load will
begin to lighten.
Attain that level of awareness where you begin to see the
flow of your faults. You are separate from Chandubhai. If
Chandubhai does something good, give him a pat on his back and
encourage him. Tell him that he will be able to free you when he
himself becomes free, and that as long as he is in bondage, he is
keeping you bound. Encourage him to finish his daily duties so he
can attend the satsang in a timely manner. You have to tell
Chandubhai what to do. If he gets angry with the children, correct
his behavior by talking to him and correcting him. Tell Chandubhai
that a man has never been without offspring in any of his past
lives, even as a dog or as a cat. Alas, these children are temporary.
These are all worldly attachments. Are they real?
You have to tell Chandubhai that it is because of his own
faults he has encountered the people and problems around him.
Otherwise he would have encountered people that would respect
and praise him. Just look at me. People show so much respect