The Flawless Vision The Flawless Vision | Page 101

72 The Flawless Vision As you begin to see your faults, you will say, “Now Chandubhai, you have committed atikraman (aggression through one’s thoughts, speech or actions), so you must now do pratikraman (apology for that aggression)” In this world, one cannot see one’s own faults. The people that do see their faults have attained the state of the Self. You are Shuddhatma only when you can see your own faults; otherwise you will not see them. And the more faults you see of yours, the more the Soul manifests. No one has this kind of awareness. As long as this man here has not been given this ‘Gnan’, he will not have any awareness at all. Once he receives this Gnan, awareness takes hold and grows within him, so that if he makes a mistake, because of this awareness, he will be able to see his mistake as it happens. People in general have none of this awareness, therefore at best; they are only able to see just a couple of their mistakes. They fail to see any others. After this Gnan you see all your faults and that is because of this awareness. The Most Secret Science Questioner: Why do we see faults in other people Dada? Dadashri: You see their faults because of your own faults. Dada sees everyone as faultless, because he has destroyed all his faults. It is one’s own ego that makes one see fault in others. Anyone who sees only his own faults will always see others as faultless. Whoever makes the mistake is the one who has to amend it. Why should anyone be preoccupied with the mistakes of others? Questioner: Dada, what can I do when, although I do not wish to see others’ mistakes, I see them anyway and those mistakes keep hounding me?