The Flawless Vision The Flawless Vision | Page 100

The Flawless Vision 71 you attain this separation from the relative. You can say that you have accomplished your work when you no longer see the slightest fault in others, and you see all your own faults. Before this, you believed: ‘This is who I am’ and so you were partial towards your relative self. Now that you have become impartial, you have begun to see your own faults. Now your focus is directed inwards towards the relative self, and therefore you do not see other people’s faults. Having begun to see your own faults, this Gnan will progress and yield its fruits for you. In this innocent world, where no one is at fault, how can we blame anyone? As long as there are faults, the ego is at play, and as long as the ego is involved, none of one’s faults will be erased. Unless all the faults are destroyed, the ego cannot be destroyed. You have to erase your faults to the point where your ego is destroyed. And This is How the Soul Shines… Questioner: Do the faults automatically decrease after one’s experience of the Soul? Dadashri: Absolutely! The fact that they decrease is the proof of the experience of the Soul. As your belief of I am Chandulal decreases and the exactness of I am the pure Soul increases. In the beginning, with the right belief (I am Pure Soul), one does not see all of one’s faults but as one’s awareness of the Self grows, one begins to see them. When you begin to see your faults, it is regarded that the initial experience of the ultimate Self has been established, and this is the state that is instilled in everyone here, free of cost. Is it not surprising that people still do not come to me even when I invite them and offer them a cup of tea for this state?