Lily Hulatt looks back on
a successful year
Hello everyone! My name is Lily
Hulatt and I've been the MCR
President for Grey College for the
past year. As a community whose
members include Postgradu-
ates, Fourth Years, and Mature
Students, we aim to have many
events for our students to social-
ise and experience a safe space
with tea, coffee, and biscuits
around their own packed sched-
ules in Durham University.
Our MCR Fresher's week kicked
Michaelmas Term off to a great
start with fresh faces joining our
proud community for an In-
ter-MCR Boat Party, Ceilidh danc-
ing, and a Day Trip to Newcastle.
Successful events during the year
include the Thanksgiving and Chi-
nese New Year's potluck, where
we encouraged everyone to make
and bring their own home com-
fort food, baking, or anything
they want to share with fellow
members while sitting at the
Dining Hall's High Table. Informal
Ball and Christmas Formal tied off
the end of the first term. While it
is run and hosted by the Junior
Common Room, MCR members
are welcome to these events. The
MCR also interacts with Senior
Common Room members and
have been invited to multiple SCR
Guest Nights through the year. A
trip to Beamish Hall was organ-
ised and several movie nights
in the Phoenix room were held,
especially around Christmas and
other holiday events as some
members find themselves a long
way away from home in these
Epiphany Term showed no slow-
ing down of enthusiasm from our
members what with St Patrick's
Day Celebrations, a Bowling Trip
to Newcastle, Eurovision Night,
and an Arts and Crafts day to
supply the MCR with new cush-
ions. Our Easter term was similarly
packed with events as the end of
exams saw members celebrating
Grey Day and Phoenix Ball. There
was also Grey's own Inter-MCR
Formal - A Midsummer's Night
Dream. To maintain the reputa-
tion of the College amongst other
MCR Communities in Durham,
we invited 150 people to a for-
mal run and hosted by the MCR
Exec, where we had a fantastic
menu and a wonderful night that
included opening Grey's newly
renovated Fountain's Hall.
My MCR President Guest's
Night was celebrated before
Undergraduate Graduations,
and around pizza and croquet I
awarded my MCR Exec the Phoe-
nix Awards for their contribution
and hard work towards the MCR.
This included: Marcus Lancashire,
Matthew Kirk, Hannah Daglish,
Daniel Kinch, Jeffrey Gougis Jr,
Ellen Taylor, Rhiannon Gittins,
Beth Brewer. They helped drive
the MCR events into the suc-
cesses they were around their
own studies and commitments
to other clubs. A non-Exec award
was given to Laura Gledhill, who
best exhibited the heart and spirit
which has sustained the MCR
community with every new intake.
I also awarded an Honorary Life
Membership award to Matthew
Kirk, a long-standing member of
the MCR with 3 years as Website
Editor and preceded me as MCR
This MCR community really
shone throughout the year with
their commitment, willingness to
experience other cultures (since
we have a number of internation-
al members), and formed very
strong bonds with each other.
Their year with us will hopefully
help them progress onto what-
ever they choose to pursue in
their careers and lives outside of
Durham - for which we are very
excited to hear about.
Lily Hulatt (MCR President)