Student Stories
Postgraduate Symposium
Poster Boy
Marcus talks about the success of the
Postgraduate Symposiums
Hello, my name is Marcus
Lancashire and I am the Post-
graduate Mentor at Grey
College. One of the events that
we run for the Postgraduates
at Grey are the Postgraduate
Symposiums, which take place
twice in every term. Students
are given the opportunity to
prepare a presentation about
their work or a topic that inter-
ests them, and present it to an
audience of students and staff.
As is the case every year, the
talks have been of a very high
standard, with presentations
on a wide range of topics, from
Phenomenology and Human
Evolution to the WWF Atti-
tude Era. The highlight of the
Symposium series was the day
long Postgraduate Symposium
held on the 10th March. A
total of eight talks were given,
followed by the presentation
of four posters. Prizes were
awarded for the best presen-
tations and this year, they were
given to, as voted for by both
the student and staff attend-
ees, Rhiannon Gittins (Cave Art:
Was It a Waste of Time? Costly
Signalling in Palaeolithic Cave
Art) and Daniel Kinch (Why
is the Sky Blue?). It has been
encouraging seeing both the
skill and passion with which
the postgraduates present, and
the level of interest that other
students have for the work of
their peers. I know that the
Postgraduate Symposiums
have been enjoyed by all that
attended, and I hope that they
have helped students develop
the confidence and presenta-
tion skills that they will need
for the future.
Marcus Lancashire
(Postgraduate Mentor)