The Fight for Joy The Fight for Joy | Page 11

3. SPIRITUAL BATTLE One of the greatest truths though often ignored especially in our century is the fact that depression is spiritual. Depression is a spiritual battle. How? Depression is simply a condition caused by lack or scarcity of joy and happiness which I like to describe as light. Depression is in no way simple but at the end of it all, this is what it boils down to. Outside of the spiritual angle, one fundamental truth about human beings is that we were created with a deep internal quest for happiness and joy and ultimate satisfaction. It’s part of our design. Also worth noting is that we were created by a most beautiful being for his satisfaction and glorification. As a result of this design we ultimately are in an assiduous quest to find joy and satisfaction in whatever we can. It can be religion, people, jobs, fame, etc. Deep down we all want to be known and loved and adored and feel we are contributing to something, hence satisfaction. This quest takes us through many roads and I wish I could just call a simple solution like Jesus but a large number of us in getting to Jesus, fall into the trap of religion which is another deep hole of non- satisfaction. Truth is the ultimate joy and satisfaction we will have is in Jesus but getting there has been made complex by people especially in a generation where there are thousands of voices and allures. The devil is also very deceptive and sometimes after convincing ourselves that we are in Jesus, we find out it was just a façade. This is not a sermon. It’s a struggle. I have battled this quest for such a long time and until today, I won’t say I have achieved it. God has placed joys in our world the one we have today from simple sweets and toys to marriage and sex but all these joys are inferior mere images compared to the one that is coming. I’d like to share the argument of Christian Hedonism promulgated by notably John Piper. 4