The Fields Institute Turns Twenty-Five 170725 Final book with covers | Page 42

20 Steve Halperin physical features that would allow for interactive space in any future location (an atrium, blackboards everywhere, clusters of informal seating). His notion of a mathematics institute was modelled upon the Newton Institute. Of great importance in those early years was Peter Nicholson, who had the experience and knowledge of governance necessary to make the Institute work. Great credit is also due to Nigel Lloyd. According to Lloyd, “the driving force behind the creation of the Fields Institute was the perception that, while Canada had many excellent individual mathematicians, the way that mathematics was being conducted worldwide was changing, with a more collaborative and multidisciplinary approach, and that Canada needed a place which could focus on such research.” In addition to these pioneers, there are many others during the past quarter century whose hard work and determination have been and continue to be the essence of the Fields Institute.