The Felixstowe Flyer FelixstoweFlyer_Jun2018_For_Web | Page 10

The Local Flyer Politics

North Ward News

May 16 saw the start of the new Civic Year . Congratulations to outgoing Mayor Councillor Nick Barber who raised in excess of £ 17,000
Mike Deacon for three Felixstowe Charities during his Mayoral year .
Congratulations also to Councillor Steve Gallant who was voted by the Conservative Group
Kimberley Williams to replace Councillor
Andy Smith as leader of their group . We look forward to being able to work with the new Conservative leader in a constructive manner for the benefit of Felixstowe .
We have been watching carefully the development of the Ferry Road construction site , to be known as “ Laureate Fields ”. We have been informed that the work which has been undertaken to date has been archaeological in nature , and that the findings from the excavations will be published shortly . Local History buffs will be aware that the site has significant historical value . Meanwhile , it has come to our attention that the developer intends to submit revised plans for consideration by SCDC Planning Department , and that these will go out for further public consultation . The principle of development has already been established , so housing will go on this site . However , the developer controversially now wishes to introduce two further access points to the site and re-position five houses . Residents may recall that there has previously been strong objection by Labour Councillors to a second exit which was proposed to egress onto the very narrow part of Ferry Road . Although not in the North Ward , the repercussions could impact on
developments planned for this area of the town , such as the proposed Candlet Road development having a second exit and egress on to Gulpher Road as was originally planned by the developer . Contrary to a misguided belief held by some Ferry Road residents , as Labour Councillors we have consistently opposed the current scheme , which was approved by the Conservative led District Councillors , including the Chairman of Felixstowe Plans Committee .
Weatherspoon ’ s application for a pub and twenty-four apartments has been rejected by the Town Council on the grounds that the new design proposed by Wetherspoons was too big and would be out of keeping with its surroundings . For those of you who are gasping for a pint , the principle of a pub on the site has been established and it will eventually be built . It is however , a responsibility of the Planning Committees at both the Town and District Councils to ensure the suitability of the design to enhance its surroundings and not unduly impact on local residents .
We attended a meeting with the Principal of Felixstowe Academy and heard his plans for improving the performance of the school in response to an adverse Ofsted report . Under performance of the Academy is not a recent problem , and the Principal , Mr Williams , has been taking steps over the last two years to address the under performance reported in some areas . However , there are many excellent qualities about the school such as its Music and Drama departments , and it is in the interests of our young people that they are able to take pride in their school . As such , the school needs the continuing support of the community and not the unhelpful remarks of our Local MP .
Cllr Mike Deacon 01394 211146 / 07971 563621 .
Cllr Kimberley Williams 07814 499375

Felixstowe Labour News

Why we are where we are
Unsurprisingly , it seems many months indeed since a police officer was last
Margaret Morris seen on foot patrol in the Hamilton
Road , Felixstowe shopping area .
• Gun and knife crime is on the rise . Burglaries are increasing in Suffolk and only 1 in 7 are solved , which must be a factor in this increase .
• 21,000 police officers have gone through Conservative Government cuts since 2010 .
• Yet the Home Office given this sad state of affairs recently insisted , “ The police have the resources they need to carry on their vital work .”
Even Suffolk ’ s Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner must disagree with this ‘ head in the sand ’ statement . Though when seeking election , he said that he will “ work with the Chief Constable to ensure all officers have the resources to improve detection rates further , protect victims of crime and deter any would be criminals from thinking that Suffolk is an easy target ”!
Help solve burglaries – install your own CCTV ?
With such a low rate for solving burglaries , a senior police officer has the answer – install your own CCTV camera !
Break-ins in Suffolk increased by 6 % last year . There were 12,000 break-ins while only 1,800 were solved . The police say they need more evidence when there is a break-in , so the solution to their problems is up to us – install our own CCTV camera ! They claim that they send investigators to the vast majority of burglaries to collect evidence .
But solving rates won ’ t be helped by Suffolk having the lowest number of neighbourhood officers ( after Essex ) in the country . The Police and Crime Commissioner claims that the Chief Constable has never been to him to ask for more resources ! From these figures , it seems to be about time for him to start doing that .
Victim Support
If you are worried by anything in this article , then : Norfolk & Suffolk Victim Care is a free , confidential support service specifically designed to help victims and witnesses of crime . Whatever has happened to you , whatever you may have witnessed and whenever it took place , trained support staff will work with you to make sure you receive the help you need to cope and recover . You can call the Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care team Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm on 0300 303 3706 or go to nsvictimcare . org for more detail . Out of hours support is available via Victim Support ’ s national Supportline 0808 168 9111 .
Brown Bins
The new charge by Suffolk Coastal District Council for emptying your brown bin has started . By the end of the May only garden waste bins with stickers on will be collected . There is nothing to stop several homes which may have smaller gardens , or feel they don ’ t produce enough garden waste for a bin of their own , from chipping in together to share a bin . It is likely however that one neighbour will have to make the application .
The Council says that there are no discount arrangements for those on low incomes because this is a discretionary service . The charge also has to be paid up-front .
Contact us
Margaret Morris 01394 274345 79 Ranelagh Road , Felixstowe margaretamorris @ hotmail . com FaceBook : FelixstoweLabour
10 THE FLYER | JUNE 2018
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