THE FASHION IDENTITY Edition 48 | Page 4

MAKEOVERS Thinking of a personality of yesterday, I would have loved to make up Lady Diana, ex business personality, I would love to be able to make up Rossy De Palma (Rosa Elen acters. It 'a woman who knew how to make a strong point of your face, although it is and interesting is its strong character, which emerges in the interviews released -- S 4) Your most memorable moment in your career? Ans) Maybe I do not have a most memorable moment of all others, but many moments that have made very gratified and satisfied me. For exam- ple, when I started getting compli- ments from colleagues who do this job for many more years than me and who work in the international arena, or even when I see the happy face of photographers with whom I work, or when you choose some of my trick to publications on line magazine. It 'hard to describe the emotion and satisfac- tion I felt after rigged with a clever camouflage a lady of forty years with a severe burn on his chest, it obtains as a child, when, for the first time in his life it has mirror and saw their cleav- age apparently violated after burn. Here, perhaps this was the best mo- ment I remember. 5) Your future plans with your career in the Make Up Industry.............? Ans) Alongside fascinating projects re- lated to the fashion world, I'm looking for more and more projects of artistic depth, and projects that have a social value. I am currently enrolled in a photography project that touches a very sensitive issue: the search sometimes exasper- ated the beauty, and the inability to know how to appreciate what you have, prob- lems that unfortunately often encounter in my work. I'm studying personally an interesting project with curvy models, marked by a strong sensuality and self- confidence, to address the delicate issue of acceptance of self, knowing go be- yond the aesthetic standards imposed by the fashion way, which, of course, they are perfect for fashion shows and maga- zines, but should not be considered the sole and essential standards of beauty inspiration. SILVIA MALAGUTI DOING MAKEOVERS ON HER CLIENTS. OUR INSPIRATION BEHIND THE GORGEOUS MAKEOVERS - SILVIA MALAGUTI