Make Up
6) What is your fa-
vorite unique look
that you love to do
on men who go to
Ans) For men I have
done drag makeup,
to special effects, to
even simply covering
acne scars.
I always find special
effects and turning
guys into zombies,
creatures, etc, is al-
ways my favourite as
it seems once any-
one is under a piece
they open them-
selves up and play
the part a lot, even if
its just for fun.
9) What are the spe-
cific areas on a
women's face that
require the most at-
tention for a Make
Up Artist.................?
Ans) I feel contour-
ing and eyes require
the most attention on
a woman’s face as
contouring shapes
the face and the eyes
are to me the main
feature on the face.
10) The most spe-
cial and memorable
moment in your
professional career
would be............?
Robert Englund, Such a talented actor and
amazing person. Ive had the pleasure of meet-
ing but not yet working with him as yet.
Top Rebecca doing a makeover on a male actor for film shoot.
Above Rebecca doing the make up for a model for a photo shoot.
8) A MUA whom you
Ans) Ve Neill - She is
such a inspiring
woman who has
made an amazing ca-
reer in a hard indus-
try to be in. I’ve had
the pleasure of meet-
ing her and only hope
to be able to work
with her in the future.
Ve Neill,Rebecca’s inspira-
tion in her profession
Ans) Most certainly
making my move
over to Los Angeles
to further my study
and career in
makeup at CMS.
The teachers, proj-
ects and work oppor-
tunities I had while
there was by far the
most special and re-