The Fashion Identity Edition:43
2) What are the occa-
sions/events for which
you feel women need to
How would you
go through rigorous in-
efine the perfect
tensive make overs?
akeover for a
Ans) Occasions / events I
ns) I believe there is find where women most
undergo intensive
perfect makeover
makeovers are if they are
r a man, I believe
y physical changes soon to be married, you
ade via a makeover find most brides want to
look the best they can for
ould be only de-
their wedding day. Also
ed by the person
being a life event I feel
d would differ in
many women after a seri-
ery case due to
ous break up can find the
eir personality,
estyle and personal motivation and want to
make serious changes ap-
sired changes/al-
pearance wise to make
themselves feel better
about the situation.
i feel body image and the definition
of beauty is still a strong issue in the
world and this industry ,although it
has bettered in recent years
I still feel it could make a stronger
impact to show the many levels
of all beauty.
Rebecca with her clients
DRAX from “Guardians of
the Galaxy” really impre-
ssed me with full body
pieces made for his
Rebecca Plunket doing a makeover
on a male model during a shoot