found from the office itself. A chair,
water bottle, mat, a ball, elastic band, hand gripper etc…
are great office workout equipment. Office workout doesn’t
require at all a workout space
like a gym room or dedicated
exercise hall. You can practice it
at your cabin itself.
What time of the day do you
feel is the best time to do
Ans) If you want to work yoga into
your daily life, consider doing
poses before you even get
out of bed.
Poses that
require you
to be on
your back
can be done
this way. Then
when you first
get out of bed
you can do
some standing
Morning, before
your day begins,
is the best time of
day to practice yoga.Once you
start doing yoga the benefits are endless
What are the different goals that you undertake
through your YOGA classes?
Ans) Doing yoga regularly offers many benefits,
it helps in weight loss, inch loss as well as improves flexibility including making you feel better about your body as you become stronger
and more flexible, toning your muscles, reducing
stress, and improving your mental and physical wellbeing.
Pic Courtesy :Cosmic