The Farmers Mart Oct-Nov 2019 - Issue 65 | Page 24

24 ARABLE OCT/NOV 2019 • Soil Association opens Brexit readiness helpline for organic farmers organic food and farming, raising critical issues on the ability to trade and export. In the event of a no-deal Brexit, recog- nition of UK organic certification by the EU is anticipated to cease overnight with a prospect of a prolonged period when organic exports to the EU could become impossible. “An ongoing lack of clarity and progress from government, despite the work of many organisations in the sector, means we are still no clearer how long this break in the ability of organic businesses to export will be. Any break – whether it is 6 days or 6 months – could be devastating for many organic businesses.” THE Soil Association has launched a Brexit readiness support service to help organic businesses prepare for a potential no-deal Brexit. The service consists of a Brexit support phone line, email address and online chat system. The dedicated team will help answer questions and provide up to date informa- tion to the sector. A new Brexit support web page has also been launched, including key information and requirements needed in order for the organic sector to prepare for Brexit. The website will be kept up to date and live throughout the process. The Soil Association will also run a number of webi- nars with experts from the Soil Association. The readiness service is open to all organic businesses in the UK, not just those certified by Soil Association Certification, and will provide information to help busi- nesses prepare in the event of a no-deal Brexit. The creation of the Brexit support service comes at a critical time for the UK’s organic sector, with the Soil Association today warning that a no-deal exit brings “maximum uncertainty” for organic food and farming. Currently, in the event of no-deal, UK organic producers will not be able to export to the EU until the EU grants formal approval to their organic certification body. Soil Association Certification and other UK certification bodies are unable to offi- cially apply for this status until the UK has left the EU, any break in recognition would mean organic exports from the UK to the EU would effectively be blocked. Liz Bowles, Associate Director of Farming, Soil Association, said: “A no-deal Brexit brings maximum uncertainty for Businesses wishing to contact the support service should email Brexitsupport@ . Updated information on organic and Brexit is available on the preparing your business for Brexit pages of the Soil Association website. preparing-your-organic-business-for-brexit/ Determine how your stock are performing at a glance with the RITCHIE BEEF MONITOR • • • • • • • • Cattle weighed as they drink Data direct to desktop / mobile* Optimal weight of cattle at slaughter Reduced labour input Reduced feed and bedding costs Early indication of pen or performance issues Tipping drinking trough for easy cleaning Optional solar panel kit Contact us today for more info * Cloud subscriptions may apply 01307 462271 • [email protected] • Pictured with optional solar panel